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So here we go folks...

Hello, my name is Charis and I am twenty six (how did that happen!?) Originally from England, I am the other half of the tremendous Mr Brookshire, my American dream,a truly inspiring man and the love of my life.

I am Mama to our delicious one year old son, Finley. He brings us true joy and a little challenge in one neat and drooly parcel.

We live in bright Los Angeles, California with our faithful fox hound Delilah.

I love to sing with my boy, craft into the wee hours, thrift with my mama friends and share a meal with my husband.

This blog is to satisfy my urge to talk...i hope to be filling it with my musings and thoughts on my ever changing role as Mother and Wife. 

So there's a little about please sit a while, make a cup of tea and enjoy.

"clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience”  Colossians 3:12